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Brent Mesick, poet, activist, actor, writer and winner of the 2004 Newberry Library Bughouse Square Debates, has been active in the arts for years. Brent has read for the Arlington Poetry Project, Coffee Chicago, The Cafe, and Molly Malone's, among others. He is the only person, in Marc Smith's recollection, to be simultaneously booed and cheered at the Green Mill. Brent read for "Poets Against the War", co-sponsored Poetrypoetry.com. His performance can be heard on PoetryPoetry's website or on the sold out CD from Lulu.com. He has read for "Poets for Peace and Justice","Poets for Human Rights" and "Epiphany: Poets of Heart and Vision". He has performed and written for "Democracy Burlesque",a monthly variety show described as a cross between Saturday Night Live and the Daily Show. Brent penned such sketches as "Don Cheney: The Godfather", "Star Trek, The Wrath of Condi", "The Osama Bin Reilly Factor" and "Da Mare Daley Charm and Deportment School". He is a founding member of the street theater group UNSCUM, or the "United Neighbors Special Commission on Unconcealed Missiles". Not finding WMDs in the Mideast, UNSCUM instead searched the Midwest - usually in Chicago neighborhoods with minimal police presence. On the USA Patriot Act's anniversary, Brent went to Federal Plaza during rush hour dressed as a Catholic Reverend and held a funeral for the Bill of Rights - complete with bagpipe dirge. For this effort, Brent was awarded a place in the Homeland Security database.
Wordslingers airs on the 1st and 3rd Sunday nights from 8pm to 9pm live from the campus of Loyola University on 88.7fm WLUW and streaming live on www.wluw.org Archives of past shows can be found in the Wordslingers' Vox Cafe.
Now approaching it's 8th year, Wordslingers is all about poetry; no hype, no
hustle, just the word, the rhythm, the vibe and the vision of poetic
perception in the pulse between the power and the page!
Nuff Said.
Michael Covenant Watson host of Wordslingers Poetry On the Radio founder of Wordslingers.org
Vision without action is a daydream
Action without vision is a nightmare.
Japanese proverb.
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