Hello! If you have arrived at this Blog, perhaps you want to know more about Chicago's best Political Sketch Comedy group.
You can find some information (old information) on this blog much of which is likely still true BUT we are an all volunteer organization with many many projects and on our plates and limited time to work and frankly... this blog has fallen by the wayside. You are terribly shocked, we're sure.
However, we are now focusing our energies on our real website, Youtube videos, Facebook Page, Radio and Live perfomance projects and we hope you will vist those venues for more up to date information.
The Actors of Evil
Democracy Burlesque has been performing as a political satire group for over 3 years now. This blog is here for members of Democracy Burlesque to talk about their experiences, for guests of the group to visit and share thoughts, and for the general public to learn about and get a taste of some of the funniest political satire happening in the Midwest - - or anywhere.