Over time Democracy Burlesque has copiled an extensive list of song parodies and original songs. Here are some of the titles. As time allows a goal will be to link titles to recordings. For now here's the list:
cp=cover parody
We've got Separation (o, parody of schoolhouse rock about separation clause of the constitution)
Actors of Evil (o, opening song to introduce the group)
F-A-S, F-A-S, F-A-S-CIST (o, jokes and chorus bit)
I Just Shot A Man (c, Bohemian Rhapsody, Cheney shoots his best friend and has to tell Bush)
Evolution (o, Fundamentalists: "all I know is Evolution blows")
Sassafras (o)
Hey Dick Cheney (c, Hey Big Spender, listen to radio interview link)
We Gotta Brand New Drug (cp, Huey Lewis)
Sunshine in My Hole (c, Stevie Wonder, anthropomorphized Ozone Layer sings a love song on "Endangered Idol" national talent show)
Good Bye Polar Ice Cap (c, Rolling Stones, sung by endangered polar bear)
Duelin w's (c, Dueling Banjos, two George Bushes compete to be the "real Bush")
Dems (c, KIDS! - - I don't know what's wrong with these dems these days)
Rove (c, Vogue, Karl Rove vogues at reality tv fashion contest)
After the Killing (c, Humperdinck - - Bush lulls himself after a slaughter)
American Reindeer (o, nativist reindeer harrass poor Rudolph for being foreign)
Karl Marx Rag (o, Karl Marx congratulates the religious right for proving his thesis)
Freedom Water (o, inspirational and patriotic, a song to sell Freedom Water products)
Red State Blue (c, Brown Eyes Blue)
The Answer is on CNN (o, Bob Dylan, elderly hippie senior citizens sing and are interrupted by the "Demonatrix" who tell them they need to toughen up)
I Feel Pretty parody
Leavin On a Jet Plane parody
Love on an Ice Floe (o, two polar bears can't reproduce because their ice flows are melting and drifting them apart)
Why Can't a Billionare be Mayor? (o, a song for the Billionaires for Bush)
Let's go local (c, Prince sings about local Chicago urban politics)
Doin the Condi (c, Time Warp, Condi urges all to take steps to the right)
World Domination Confrontation (o, Condi and laura Bush vie for world control)
Summertime Medley (c, a medley of classic summer songs, perfect for any Beach Party)
Republican Blues (o, Republican lament their Congressional losses, a companion democratic version was written just in case)